Letter to Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon of the United Nations

September 19th, 2008

The Honorable Ban Ki-Moon
Secretary General
United Nations
U.N Headquarters
First Avenue - 46th, Street
New York, NY 10017

Dear Mr. Secretary General Moon

It is with much shock, anguishes and deep concerns, we are writing to bring to your attention the latest development in the ongoing religious and human rights violations by the Vietnam communist regime.

In Hanoi, Vietnam, early this morning, Friday September 19th, 2008, hundreds of police blocked access to and from the residence, the cathedral, and all roads leading to the nearby Toa Kham Su Nunciature.

At the same time, the secret police's bulldozers were moved into the area and workers began digging out the lawn and yards of Toa Kham Su Nunciature. State controlled television and radios announced that the state had decided to demolish the church building. People who tried to come near the Nunciatre were arrested on sight.

Ben Stocking, an American reporter, and Hanoi bureau chief for Associated Press, was also arrested and beaten by the police when he tried to take photos of the confrontations at the Nunciature, his camera, belongings confiscated.

We strongly condemn all of these religious freedom violations, including that of Hoa Hao, Cao Dai, Christian, and Budhist faiths.

We strongly support all Vietnamese people who stand up for their rights and to fight for their freedom...

The United Nations has a long tradition of being a protector of religious and human rights throughout the world. We respectfully urge you do everything you can to ensure that the Hanoi regime desists from all sorts of violent repression of religions, specifically:

1) The State of Vietnam must stop besieging Hanoi archbishop residence, and end the demolition of religious properties.

2) The State of Vietnam must immediately release all innocent people who have been arrested while peacefully assembled outside church property.

The Vietnam communist regime must respect its people's human rights and international laws that it has signed. It must immediately take concrete actions to prevent further religious and human rights violations against followers of religious groups, recognizing their rights to practice their faiths free of harassment and oppression.


Dr. Hai Van HaPresident
Southeast Asia Democracy Coalition